Mitchell Wong
1136 Union Mall, Honolulu, HI 96813

Mitchell S. Wong has been a lawyer in Hawaii since 1991, when he began his career at the law firm of David C. Schutter. At the time, the law firm was known as Schutter & Glickstein, and the focus of the law firm’s practice was personal injury and civil litigation. In time, Mr. Wong became a partner at the law firm, which was then restyled as Schutter Dias Smith & Wong.

In 2004 Mr. Wong started his present law firm. While Mr. Wong has continued his diverse work in civil litigation, he also expanded his practice to include family law matters, like divorce, child custody proceedings, paternity, Child Protective Services proceedings, and adoption.

Mr. Wong’s philosophy is to carefully listen to a client’s concerns, and work closely with the client in devising a legal strategy that successfully maintains or restores relationships, recovers his or her losses, and otherwise “makes things right.” Creative solutions, attention to detail, and dedicated effort describe the nature of Mr. Wong’s work as he has served his Hawaii clientele.

Each case that the law firm undertakes is unique, and Mr. Wong understands that every client has different goals when involved in a legal proceeding. You are encouraged to contact Mr. Wong to discuss your case, and to share with him what you would like to achieve.