Florence Jesrani Murray Esq
111 E. Shoreline Dr., Sandusky, OH 44870

In addition to my law degree from Ohio State, I hold an M.B.A. from the Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management and a Masters in Education from Ashland University. I have a certificate in dispute resolution and intimately understand the need for looking at issue from many directions. I am active with the Ohio Association for Justice (OAJ) as Chair of the Trucking Safety Section and as State Delegate to AAJ, American Association for Justice (AAJ) Civil Rights Section Secretary and Railroad Section Membership Coordinator, Public Justice, the Education Law Association and the Disability Rights Bar Association.

Far too often people believe that attorneys are for someone else. I know that no one ever wants to be in a situation where they need an attorney. But I am proud to be able to share in my clients’ burdens when they are in the most difficult situations of their lives. I want my clients to know that we are in this battle together. It is called an attorney-client relationship because of the time and joint compassion that has to be expended by the client, in believing in Murray & Murray, and by us, in believing in our clients. This is why I practice law. I get the most pleasure from interacting with and helping clients.