Merrida (Buddy) Coxwell
500 N State St, Jackson, MS 39201

Merrida (Buddy) Coxwell was admitted to practice law in October 1980. From the day of admission forward Merrida has been a fierce, dedicated, and aggressive advocate for his clients. Over the past thirty-four (34) years he has handled some of the most complex and highly publicized criminal cases in Mississippi. For example, Merrida successfully defended the Mayor of Jackson, MS, when he was charged with four (4) felonies. He successfully defended a Miss. Supreme Court Judge, won two (2) not guilty verdicts in a row in federal drug cases, won a murder case that the local media called the murder of the century, and numerous other successful defenses. Merrida is a veteran of approximately 18 death penalty cases. Merrida’s partner Chuck Mullins has won three (3) consecutive DUI cases in a row in a county known for returning guilty verdicts and he recently won a DUI appeal in the Mississippi Supreme Court. Chuck is superb in complex civil and criminal case. Together Merrida and Chuck have handled over 160 appeals with an impressive reversal record. Together Merrida and Chuck have recovered through verdicts or settlements approximately 300 million dollars for men, women and children who have been injured or defrauded. For example their verdicts or settlements have been: $144 million, $120 million, $20.4 million, $5.7 million, $2.3 million, $2.1 million, $1.6 million, $1.5 million, $1 million, $1 million, $1 million, $875,000.00, $500,000.00, $245,000.00, $175,000.00, plus many other cases. These amounts are not listed to brag but rather to show the dedication Merrida and Chuck have for their clients. A client may only get one chance for a fair and reasonable recovery so Merrida and Chuck believe it is their duty to get the largest monetary settlement available for the client under the law.