Michael S. Foster
4700 Belleview Ave. Ste 304, Kansas City, MO 64112

Michael Foster is the 2018 Pro Bono Publico award winner given by the Missouri Bar Association for outstanding character and pro bono commitment. Michael is also the 2018 Legal Champion given by Missouri Lawyers Weekly. He is a former shareholder at one of the biggest law firms in the country and resides in the Kansas City area with his wife Melissa and their two children.

Michael has a well-honed ability to see the big picture and quickly narrow options to a best possible solution. From growing up in a family of attorneys, this legal intuition comes to him naturally. His father was a noted Wyandotte County, Kansas, attorney for 40+ years, and his uncle is a district court judge in Johnson County, Kansas. Four other aunts and uncles are attorneys or former judges who have or are practicing in Kansas or Missouri. Michael grew up in the Kansas City area and is a former Division 1 college athlete and a Kansas City Star All-Metro Team selection in high school. This collective background has contributed to Michael’s unrelenting drive to compete and win.

As a former partner at one of the biggest laws firm in the country, Michael has successfully represented some of the most noteworthy national clients in their toughest legal battles, and recently won the largest jury verdict in United States history for a prisoner secondhand smoking case that led to a statewide ban on prisoner smoking.

Michael relishes time in the courtroom, and fights on behalf of local and regional plaintiffs who have experienced adverse situations due to liability, negligence or wrongdoing. He has been on both sides of the court and knows how the most aggressive defense firms approach cases. This insider’s knowledge enables Michael to craft winning legal strategies for his clients, whether their matters are large or small, in multiple types of litigation:

• Personal injury
• Car Wrecks
• Insurance issues
• Investment/broker disputes
• Unfair business practices
• Wrongful Death